Quick, come up with an imaginary co-worker. Did you imagine someone who is positive, confident, and resourceful? Who rises to the occasion in times of trouble? If so, then chances are that you also display those traits in your own life, a new UNL study finds. Continue reading…
Chuck Francis, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture Sustainable Agriculture Coordinator, is featured in UNL's next Honors Forum lecture at 7 p.m., Jan. 26 in the Nebraska Union. He will discuss "Building a Sustainable and Equitable Global Food System." The lecture is free and open to the public. Continue reading…
Nominations are being accepted until Feb. 3 for UNL’s Distinguished Educational Service Award. The award recognizes outstanding performance by a faculty member. Nominees must have devoted at least 25 percent of their work to extension, continuing studies or educational service. Continue reading…