Faculty and students are invited to a lecture by Stuart P. Embury, on the Tile Club. The Tile Club was established in 1877 and was active for 10 years. The lecture is at 5:30 p.m., Jan. 26 in Love Library, room 110.
Members of the Tile Club included American artists such as Winslow Homer, J. Alden Weir, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, and William Merritt Chase among others. Stuart P. Embury, M.D., is a book-collector and donor of the Stuart P. Embury M.D. Library of American Art, housed in the University Archives and Special Collections of UNL Libraries.
He will discuss the history of the Tile Club and the rare book they produced in 1886.
This lecture is sponsored by the UNL Libraries and is open and free to the public.