Today@UNL | Oct. 21, 2010

Booth offers info on Open Access

oa2010.jpgAn informational booth about Open Access, a new mode of delivery for academic research, will be staffed from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Oct. 21-22 in the Nebraska Union. Faculty, staff and students can stop by, learn about Open Access and register to win a $50 Computer and Phone Shop gift card. Continue reading…

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Play chronicles Palestinian teen's death

Aseel.jpgThe Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film is hosting a reading and the Nebraska premiere of Jen Marlowe's new one-hour play, "There is a Field," at 7:30 p.m., Oct. 25 in the Temple Building. This important work is about Aseel Asleh, a Palestinian teen who was fatally shot by Israeli police. Continue reading…


'Heroine' lecture is Oct. 24

heroine.jpgThe next Archaeological Institute of America lecture will dig into the underwater excavation of the early 18th century steamboat Heroine. The lecture, free and open to the public, is 2 p.m, Oct. 24 in Richards Hall, room 15. The lecture will be led by Kevin Crisman of Texas A&M University. Continue reading…

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Originally published October 21, 2010 - Submit an Item