Today@UNL | Oct. 25, 2010

'Physics Week' celebration kicks off Oct. 26

SmallClaes.jpgFaculty, staff and students are invited to participate in a week of physics-themed events when the Department of Physics and Astronomy celebrates the dedication of Jorgensen Hall. The week-long celebration will culminate in the official dedication ceremony of the new building at 4 p.m., Oct. 29. Continue reading…


Czech club's movie night is Oct. 25

czech-republic-flag_0.jpgThe Czech Komensky Club is hosting a movie night at 7:30 p.m., Oct. 25 in the Nebraska Union. The Czeck comedy "Journey to the Depths of the Student's Soul" will be shown in Czech with English subtitles. The event is free and open to faculty, staff and students. Continue reading…

Originally published October 25, 2010 - Submit an Item