TRIO ETS Newsletter Fri. May 14, 2021
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- Did you know you can earn money with ETS this summer?
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- Middle School Summer Program - Last day to sign up is NEXT WEDNESDAY, May 19!
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- High School Mapping Your Success: June 2-July 2
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- High School Robotics with Sphero RVR: June 7-July 7
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- High School Architecture Course: June 7th-July 8th
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- Cookies and Careers: July 7-August 6
- Middle School Robotics Program: July 7-August 7
- High School Virtual Workshops and Field Trips in June, July, and August
- Empowering Excellence Conference for High School Scholars: June 23 & 24
- Free MCC online college credit classes for students graduating in 2021-2024!
- Eligible families can receive $50 off internet bill with Emergency Broadband Benefit Program
- May is Mental Health Month
- Check out the great projects our scholars did this semester in clubs!
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