Start Second Semester off Right!


1. What successes did you have last semester? How can you keep them up or use those skills for new successes?
On the flipside, learn from the mistakes you made last semester.

2. Look at your grades. Were they what you wanted them to be?

a. Check out for some tips on how you can study better. (It says SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips, but these skills can be used by any scholar in middle or high school!)

b. Use our online tutoring to help you with your homework or read over your papers. Sign up for your account at

c. Take time afterschool to review what you learned, even if it’s just a quick 5-10 minute review. This will help you remember information.

d. Don’t wait until the last minute to do assignments. If it’s a big project or paper, work on one piece a day. For example, one day create your outline, the next write a paragraph. Ultimate Guide to Breaking Down Big Assignments and Create a Study Plan:

e. Tell yourself you’ll work on a task for a short time and set a timer on your phone or computer. When the time is up, allow yourself to take a quick break – use your time for this too! This is called the Pomodoro Technique:
*You don’t have to do 25 minutes, you can make it as small or big as you need. For me, it’s 15 minutes working and then a 5 minute break.

f. Get rest! Teenagers should get 8-10 hours of sleep a day. When you get enough sleep, your awake hours are more productive than the hours you are awake with less sleep.

3. What were you involved in last semester? Do you want to stay in it or change things up this semester? Even if you weren’t involved in some extracurricular activity last semester, you can start this semester! There are afterschool clubs (including ETS Club!), sports, and volunteer activities you can do.

4. What does your time management look like? Do you use a planner? Plan ahead of time now so that you know what to expect throughout your semester.

a. There are different types of planners you can use: Paper planner (ETS has some if you need one) or online planners (such as a website or calendar – there are lots of apps you can use too).

b. One of my favorite online planners is Todoist: - you can create lists within lists and put deadlines on them. This is great for daily assignments, as well as breaking down bigger projects do so you can create deadlines for each part.

c. Make time for self-care and fun:

5. What goals do you have? Are they SMART? These don’t have to be all school related, you can create personal goals too. Make sure they align with your values and what’s important to you. Here’s a great video to get you started:

6. If a new habit doesn’t stick at first, do not beat yourself up. You have to try new things to see if they work for you.

7. Meet with your ETS Specialist if you want assistance in setting up your semester!
a. Selma (Lincoln High, Park, Lefler):
b. Joe (North Star, Goodrich, Dawes, Southeast, and all non-target middle schools):
c. Claire (LNE, Mickle, Culler, and all non-target high schools except LSE):