Female or Non-Binary High School Students: 2022 Girls Who Code Summer Programs

GWC Summer Programs
GWC Summer Programs

The Summer Immersion Program (SIP) is a live, virtual, 2-week introductory computer science course for current eligible 9th, 10th, and 11th grade US students and international students ages 14-18. SIP participants learn web development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript while getting an inside look into the tech industry through incredible company partners. In addition to a completely free program, we offer grants up to $500 and tech support for qualifying students.

The Self-Paced Program is a 6-week flexible computer science course for current eligible 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade US students (including SIP alumni and graduating seniors) and international students ages 14-18 who prefer not to adhere to a set schedule. Self-Paced Program participants can choose to earn beginner-level badges in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for web development or an intermediate-level badge in Python for cybersecurity. Students will also have the opportunity to build community through weekly live advisory sessions and Girls Who Code activities.


More details at: https://girlswhocodesm.smapply.io/