Finals are approaching!


- Start early! The more time you give yourself to study for exams, the less you will stress yourself out trying to cram in study time at the last minute! Studying bits at a time could also improve retention!

- Be organized! Set time out to plan the upcoming weeks ahead. This will help you organize your time towards what is most important and will keep you from missing deadlines.

- Use words of affirmation! It is easy to expect failure when struggling in a class or any part of life, but know that no matter how much you are struggling, you are smart, you are worthy, you are important, and you will be successful! Insert “I” in front of those statements and believe it!

- Ask for help! Do not wait until it is too late to get help on a subject you do not understand, ask your teachers questions, or for time aside to explain a concept before taking the exam! TutorMe is a perfect source to help prepare for exams.

- Create flashcards, study with friends, and find environments you enjoy most to study in! Understanding the way you study can help you in the long run! different environments impact an individual's focus differently, explore methods of interacting with the material you are learning to get a full grasp of it!

- Get rest! Academic burnout can impact final grades! Getting rest will allow you to be rejuvenated and help you get through these tough weeks ahead. Be productive, but do not spread yourself thin!