Upcoming ACT Prep Sessions

North Star High School ACT Prep March 19th 8a-12p
Sign up here: https://go.unl.edu/lnsetsact

  • North Star ETS Juniors and North Star Juniors who apply to ETS will attend a 4 hour ACT Session at LNS during the school day with a guest ACT preparation instructor from Academic Tutoring and Test Prep.

UNL ACT Prep March 30th 9a-12p and April 6th 9a-12p
Sign up here: https://go.unl.edu/etsactunl

  • All ETS Students are invited to attend one or both of our ACT Prep sessions at UNL East Campus led by UNL Honors Students. Lunch will be included at both sessions.
  • March 30th will cover the Math and Science Sections of the ACT. April 6th will cover the English and Reading Sections of the ACT. Both sessions will briefly cover writing.
  • You may sign up for one or both sessions of our ACT Prep Sessions.