Tutoring is meant to be helpful; come with questions and a willingness to learn! And remember, tutoring will be done via Zoom.
Zoom ID: 273 967 3077
Password: ub2020
Depending on your LPS grade(s):
If your grade(s) is/are below B: You and your Education Specialist will determine the hours of commitment.
If your grade(s) is/are B or above: You must attend zoom study hall for at least 30 minutes a week.
All students are expected to attend the zoom study hall for 30 minutes a week unless a tutoring commitment has been set up for more required hours. You can use teacher assistance as a tutor contact. You will need to text a signed note from the teacher to Dahltyn that you received assistance from a teacher.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact Dahltyn Farrar at 214-215-2160.
More details at: http://unl.zoom.us/j/2739673077