Eliminate as much background noise as possible.
Communicate with roommates in advance that you will be participating in virtual career fairs and politely ask to keep the noise down. Silence electronic devices and notifications, such as email and apps, on your computer, phone, or tablet. If you have pets, consider moving them to another room. Wearing headphones can also be a helpful solution.
Pick a plain backdrop.
Virtual backgrounds are not available on the Handshake platform. Try to find a plain-colored wall or area with minimal distractions. Make sure your environment is clean.
Get comfortable, but sit upright.
The aim is to maintain eye contact with the recruiter and to avoid checking your angles during the call, which means it’s best to be stationed at a desk or kitchen table. Open your Zoom camera and experiment with its height before attending career fairs. Books and boxes can help with raising up your laptop.
Consider your lighting.
When lighting is an issue, set a tall lamp in front of your computer. This adds light to your face. Do not sit with your back towards a window as this will cause a shadow. Close blinds or curtains to help reduce too much natural light.
Take advantage of 1:1 meetings or group sessions.
Meeting 1:1 with employers is great if you are searching for internships and jobs, or want to have an individual conversation. However, don't forget that group sessions are also valuable to your career success. Group sessions are a great way for students to learn about organizations you may be unfamiliar with or want to learn more about.
Keep track your schedule.
Be respectful of the recruiters times and your time. Review your schedule in Handshake in advance to ensure you attend all 1:1 meetings and group sessions on time. Handshake will prompt you when 1 minute is left in the meeting, but the meeting will not end after 10 minutes.
Have an updated copy of your resume on your Handshake profile and a digital copy ready.
Employers will view resumes on Handshake but it may be helpful to have an electronic copy ready just in case. Upload your resume into Box or Google Drive to share a hyperlink with employers. Other options to share your resume include connecting with recruiters on LinkedIn or follow up via email with an attached resume.
Dress professionally.
Professional attire is still expected for virtual career fairs.
More details at: https://careers.unl.edu/2020-fall-university-virtual-career-fair/