While our office is closed to in-person appointments and drop-ins until further notice the Business Career Center will continue to provide career coaching to all students remotely.
You can schedule an appointment Monday-Friday (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) with a Career Coach via MyPlan.
After scheduling, you will receive an email confirmation message including how to access your virtual appointment via Zoom.
Zoom provides two options: a call-in number or a video conferencing link.
-Use this direct link to schedule an appointment with a career coach: https://go.unl.edu/bizcareerappt
The Drop-In hours with a career coach will remain the same Monday-Friday (1 p.m. - 4 p.m.)
- Drop-Ins are 20-minutes long on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Use this direct link to sign up for a drop-in: https://go.unl.edu/bizcareerdropin
To prepare yourself for your remote meeting with a Career Coach, here is a helpful link on how to download and to troubleshoot technical issues in Zoom: https://its.unl.edu/services/zoom/
If you have any questions or need help scheduling an appointment or signing up for a drop-in please contact the Business Career Center by emailing businesscareers@unl.edu or calling 402-472-7272.
More details at: http://business.unl.edu/current-students/business-career-center/