Insure Your Future - Iowa's Early-Stage Internship Program

Insure Your Future - Iowa's Early-Stage Internship Program
Insure Your Future - Iowa's Early-Stage Internship Program

What is the Insure Your Future program?
The Insure Your Future program is an early-stage internship program offered to college sophomores and freshmen to introduce them to career opportunities in Iowa’s insurance industry. Approximately 28 Iowa insurance companies are creating 70+ early-stage internship positions. In addition to real world experience, interns will enjoy opportunities to meet, network and develop leadership skills through a series of four leadership development sessions. The internship will conclude with brief presentations from the interns highlighting their internship experience.

Who is eligible to participate in the Insure Your Future program?
The program is for college sophomores or students that have most recently completed their sophomore year, but college freshmen may also be considered. These internships can lead to future more in-depth internships for college juniors and seniors.

When and where does the Insure Your Future program take place?
The first Insure Your Future program will take place beginning in the summer of 2023. The four leadership development sessions will be evenly spaced from early June to the end of July. Future programs will take place in the summers following the first program. The early-stage internships will take place at 27 different insurance companies around Iowa.

What is the cost to students participating in the Insure Your Future program?
There is no cost to students participating in program. Participating insurance companies in the program will pay students $15-$22 per hour.

What are the requirements of the Insure Your Future Program?
All interns will be required to attend the four three-hour leadership development sessions held during work hours and assemble a presentation that details their summer internship experience. These presentations will be given to the early-stage group, the company where the student is interning and back on campus in the fall of 2023 to groups of future early-stage interns. Scholarship offerings are being assembled for the top presentations. All participants must reside in the state of Iowa during the summer of 2023.

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