Handshake is the #1 way college students find jobs. Explore career options, find jobs, internship opportunities, and connect with employers. You can filter postings by what type of experience you are looking for (internship, job, part time, etc.), location, and title. Sign into your account to view internship postings at least once a week, and apply for positions that sound interesting to you.
After looking at job postings on Handshake, research the company to see if you would be a good fit with the role and the company culture. Does their company vision resonate with you? Do your values align with theirs? What type of skills will you be able to develop, and will they help you as you continue to grow in your career.
If this is your first internship and you do not have previous work experience in that field, you can still update your resume and highlight your qualifications. Add relevant coursework that you have taken in college. Highlight leadership roles, awards received, and outside organizations. Join a RSO in the College of Business that connects you with other people and professionals in your major/field of interest.
Everyone will tell you how important networking is. It is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your future career. Attend the Career Fairs to connect with potential employers, and then continue that connection on LinkedIn or via email. Talk to visiting speakers after they present to your class or club, and follow up with them. Use every opportunity that the College of Business ad PrEP courses have to offer to build your network.
The Business Career Center has so many resources that can help you land your dream job. You can meet with a career coach, explore different majors and career paths to find the right fit for you. They will help with resumes, cover letters, practice interviews, connecting you with employers and so much more. Click this link to access Business Career Center resources or make an appointment https://business.unl.edu/current-students/business-career-center/undergraduate-students/
More details at: https://business.unl.edu/current-students/business-career-center/undergraduate-students/