The UNL Client Management Tools rollout has begun. UNL will use Microsoft SCCM for Windows and JAMF Casper Suite for Macs, replacing Dell's KACE system. Deployment of the tools may proceed to all University-owned computers at this time, however faculty must opt-in before any CMT agent is installed on their device(s) . The Faculty Senate continues to finalize and approve their policy governing CMT use on computers assigned to faculty.
Campus IT staff can submit the Access to Client Management Tools form to gain access to the tools. An update to the Faculty Senate policy will be distributed following their March 4 meeting.
The Opt-In for UNL CMT form has been published for departments that would like to use this method to gather opt-ins from their faculty. Faculty must opt-in before any CMT agent is installed on their device(s). Departments must keep track of their faculty opt-ins, either with the form provided here or with their own process.
With the CMT rollout proceeding, ITS will soon be taking the first steps to decommission the Dell KACE system.
February 7:
• New enrollments into KACE will be disabled.
• All KACE operating system image deployments that include a post-install task to install the KACE agent will have that post-install task removed. Note: the operating system image itself will still be available for deployment until April. However, if you wish to continue using any operating systems images currently in KACE with SCCM, please make a backup of that image prior to April by deploying the image to a spare computer.
• The KACE agent installer will be removed from the KACE shared network drive
• Local copies of the agent installer,should be deleted and not used after this date.
• The KACE system will be reconfigured on February 7 so that any new enrollments to the KACE system will be placed in the Default org instead of your department’s org, and efforts will begin at a later date to have the KACE system attempt to remove its agent from those computers automatically.
February 14:
All devices that have not checked into the KACE system for a year or longer will be purged from the KACE inventory. If you would like to retain this inventory data, please visit the Client Management Tools website for instructions on how to run a report from the KACE system.
April 4, 2014:
Target date for the complete shutdown of KACE.
UNL CMT Opt-in Form:
Access to CMT Tools Form:
Instructions for running report from KACE:
Visit the Client Management Tools website:
**NOTICE FOR TODAY, FEB 6** The CMT team will be presenting at the monthly UNIT meeting, Feb 6 at 11:45 a.m. Attend in person or online via