George Graef, professor of agronomy and horticulture, was awarded the Prem S. Paul Innovator of the Year award from NUtech Ventures Nov. 2. Continue reading…
This year, 991 employees were honored for their service to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln including 29 Department of Agronomy and Horticulture employees. Dean Krull was honored for 40 years of service. Continue reading…
Cheryl Dunn had to completely rethink how she was going to teach Agronomy 442/842 Wildland Plants when she had to move it online this fall. The course is a comprehensive study of plants that are important in natural resource management and involves a heavy emphasis on intensive lab and field study. Continue reading…
Turfgrass and landscape management alumnus Matt Giese talks about how earning a degree from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln in the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture helped prepare him for a career as a technical service manager at Syngenta Professional Solutions. Continue reading…
Javed Iqbal, assistant professor in agronomy and horticulture, was among 25 University of Nebraska–Lincoln faculty selected to serve as 2020-21 Research Development Fellows. Continue reading…
Some Nebraska winemakers are optimistic about the state’s 2020 vintage even though grape harvest final tonnage estimates are roughly half of last year’s crop. Continue reading…
On Oct. 1, a minivan arrived at Hardin Hall on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln East Campus, where the driver dropped off 30 cores of Missouri soil, each contained in a tube measuring about six feet. Continue reading…
The Inaugural Nebraska Specialty Crop Conference will take place on November 9-10, 2021, and will feature opportunities for growth, networking, and learning about the production and marketing of a variety of specialty crops across the state of Nebraska. Continue reading…
A paper by James Schnable, Ph.D., Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, has been selected as the 2020 Outstanding Paper by The Plant Phenome Journal. Continue reading…
Whether your mind is on final exams, the global pandemic, the current social climate or the election, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Learn to calm your mind by focusing on you. Continue reading…
The COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to increased food insecurity for many Nebraska families. In response, communities have pitched in to help. And some of the donated food is produce that has been grown this year at community gardens around Nebraska. Continue reading…
Interested in the implications of human and environmental rights as they relate to climate change, migration, indigenous cultures and other adversely affected groups? Sign up for a web conferencing section of ANTH 476/876: Human Rights, Environment and Development scheduled for T/Th 3:30-4:45PM. Continue reading…