Graef awarded NUtech Ventures Prem S. Paul Innovator of the Year

George Graef
George Graef

NUtech Ventures hosted its Innovator Celebration on Nov. 2. George Graef, professor of agronomy and horticulture, was awarded the Prem S. Paul Innovator of the Year award. The award recognizes an individual who exemplifies innovation and entrepreneurship by advancing novel research into significant commercial use.

Graef is a world-class soybean breeder who has developed conventional varieties, glyphosate-tolerant varieties, LL55-tolerant varieties and food-grade varieties, used to make tofu. He works closely with academic and industry collaborators. See Graef video.

Held as part of Nebraska Research Days, the annual event included two virtual events: a keynote presentation from leaders at the United States Patent and Trademark Office; and an awards ceremony announcing the 2020 Innovator Awards.

The awards recognize university personnel and companies who are developing and commercializing cutting-edge research.

Bob Wilhelm, vice chancellor of research and economic development, opened the awards ceremony, followed by Chancellor Ronnie Green and Brad Roth, NUtech executive director.

See more information and all NUtech Ventures Innovator Celebration award recipients at Nebraska Today.

Alyssa Amen of NUtech Ventures, Agronomy and Horticulture contributed to this report.

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