Mindful Moment Drop-In Group

CAPS Mindful Moment Drop-in Group Session is Nov. 5.
CAPS Mindful Moment Drop-in Group Session is Nov. 5.

Whether your mind is on final exams, the global pandemic, the current social climate or the election, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Learn to calm your mind by focusing on you.

Research has shown that practicing mindfulness can reduce stress and increase feelings of competence. Join CAPS for a 20-minute guided mindfulness practice to help you feel centered, calm, and refocused Nov. 5 starting at noon to 12:30 p.m. via Zoom.

For a most enjoyable experience:

  1. Find a comfortable, quiet space. If possible, set aside or silence any devices you will not be using for this class so you can be as present as possible.
  2. Join the Zoom meeting. You will have the choice to join with or without video. This is completely up to you. The instructor will mute all students, but feel free to unmute at the end of class. If you have questions, feel free to use the chat feature.
  3. Enjoy class! Set aside your worries, preoccupations, and expectations, take a few deep breaths and allow this time to be to present.

More details at: https://go.unl.edu/3vxk