Orders open for annual poinsettia sale

Horticulture senior Brandon Mars waters poinsettias in the Teaching Greenhouse West in 2019. Craig Chandler | University Communication
Horticulture senior Brandon Mars waters poinsettias in the Teaching Greenhouse West in 2019. Craig Chandler | University Communication

Online sales are open for the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Horticulture Club’s annual poinsettia sale.

Advance orders for plants, which come in 4-, 6- and 25-inch sizes, will be taken through Nov. 26. Pickup for these orders will be Dec. 1, noon to 4 p.m. at the Teaching Greenhouse West, 1875 N. 38th St.

There will also be an in-person sale Dec. 2, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at both the Nebraska Union and Nebraska East Union.

Questions may be forwarded to unlhortclub@gmail.com.

More details at: https://agronomy.unl.edu/horticulture-club