Amanda Vodvarka, an undergraduate agronomy major, has been chosen for the American Society of Agronomy National Student Recognition Program, recognizing outstanding seniors in agronomy, crop, soil and environmental sciences and has an active chapter affiliated with the Students of Agronomy, Soils and Environmental Sciences.
Vodvarka hails from Dodge, Nebraska, where her passion for crop production and farming started at an early age while working on the family farm and later sparked a desire to become an agronomist. Including her classes at UNL, Vodvarka says job experiences, internships, becoming a UNL teaching assistant and being involved in the UNL Agronomy Club and Crops Judging Team have allowed her to grow, gain knowledge and the experience necessary to succeed. Majoring in agronomy and minoring in agricultural economics, Vodvarka plans to graduate this May and begin a full-time position at Central Valley Ag out of Hooper, Nebraska, as a sales agronomist.
Recipients of this award will be published in the April issue of CSA News. They will also receive a plaque and the opportunity to apply for the Frank D. Keim Graduate Fellowship.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/itdt