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Sponsored by the Midwest Big Data Hub Digital Agriculture Spoke and the Iowa State University Plant Sciences Institute, Plant Phenomics Phridays is a brand new Summer seminar series hosted by Iowa State University.
Series description: Challenges and opportunities in the plant sciences are being addressed using novel approaches from diverse disciplines. Speakers include statisticians, biologists, data scientists, and engineers.
Where: Iowa State University
When: Fridays June 9-July 28, 2017. 10:00-11:00 AM Central
RSVP: Registration is free! Sign up online at http://bit.ly/2r0plis
Connection information for streaming and on-site venue details are listed at the registration site.
Bonus: Refreshments for registered local attendees
June 9
Pat Schnable: Challenges Facing Crop Production and Paths to Solutions
June 16
Ludovico Cademartiri: Beyond Petri Dishes and Greenhouses: Bringing ‘Field Conditions’ to the Lab
June 23
Baskar Ganapathysubramanian: Image processing, crowd sourcing and high throughout computing for plant phenotyping
June 30
Dan Nettleton: Statistical analysis of plant phenomics data
July 7
Ted Heindel: NSF Research Traineeship: Predictive Plant Phenomics
July 14 ### SKIP ###
July 21
Liang Dong: Microsystems technology for agricultural sensors towards high-throughput plant phenomics
July 28: Carolyn J. Lawrence-Dill: Computing on Phenotype Descriptions for Novel Candidate Gene Prediction
More details at: http://midwestbigdatahub.org/iowa-state-university-summer-seminar-series-plant-phenomics-phridays/