Friday February 19th - Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Graduate Seminar

Nathan Chapman
Nathan Chapman

Overview of ENVE 990 Seminar Series – Spring 2021

Nathan Chapman
Automation Engineer at Olsson
Steve Crisler
Water Resource Recovery Superintendent Lincoln Wastewater System
"Benchmarking Lincoln's WRRF Net Energy Usage"
The City of Lincoln Water Resource Recovery Facilities have been energy conscious for well over 30 years. Recently they have taken steps to show this by quantifying the net energy usage at both the Theresa Street and Northeast facilities. Through this analysis in Microsoft Power BI, Lincoln has established an operational energy baseline from which to measure future improvements. Using their Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, Lincoln accurately records the data necessary to capture the facilities’ energy usage vs. production. As a result, Lincoln can continue to hold itself to a higher standard and be progressively innovative to be responsible stewards of their resources.

Seminar Time: 11:00 – 11:50 AM

General Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 936 7162 2250

More details at: