Job Opportunity in O'Neill, North Platte, Ord, York and Kearney

Job Description
This person provides engineering assistance working with landowners, groups and units of government to apply and maintain a variety of conservation practices. This person is responsible for providing technical guidance and the overall planning, design, installation and maintenance of the civil engineering phases of conservation activities. Our entry level engineers assist in planning by performing site investigations, survey work, CAD work, and data collection. They prepare and review engineering designs and reports, including design calculations and plan preparation under the direction of an engineer. During construction they performs quality assurance to ensure that projects get carried out as designed and recommend additions as needed. Over a career there are several opportunities to find their niche’ and then move around in the Agency to find their dream job.
More information can be found at Civil Engineer: Entry (GS 5-7) | NRCS (
Agricultural Engineer: Entry (GS 5-7) | NRCS (
If students have some experience we would also consider mid-level positions Civil Engineer: Mid (GS 9-11) | NRCS ( and Agricultural Engineer: Mid (GS 9-11) | NRCS (

The applicants can submit a resume to Allen Gehring or Martin Norton by email. It would also be helpful if they indicated where they are interested in working. We would then process the application with our HR and candidates could expect to receive a notice from us about how they qualified.

More details at: