Penn State College of Engineering has a college-wide search for tenure-line faculty candidates at all ranks and across all engineering disciplines. Within CEE we are interested in candidates with expertise in Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, or Transportation Engineering.
We seek candidates eager to contribute within a community driven by impact and supported by the cornerstones of excellence, sustainability, social mobility, and equity. Through the College of Engineering Equity Action Plan—a strategic, sustainable iterative process to audit, evaluate, consult evidence, design (or redesign), and implement interventions to foster equity in engineering—we are committed to developing meaningful solutions to this critical challenge and to making significant strides toward a more diverse, inclusive community of belonging for all. Candidates focused on any discipline relevant to Engineering are welcome to apply. We are also interested in candidates with an ability to develop successful research programs in collaboration with the various institutes at Penn State, such as the Materials Research Institute, the Institute of Energy and the Environment, the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences, the Social Science Research Institute, and the Institute for Computational and Data Sciences.
Qualifications at the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor include a Ph.D. in engineering or a closely related field by the start of the appointment. Candidates at the Assistant Professor level must have demonstrated ability as a teacher or research worker and must have shown definite evidence of growth in scholarly or professional achievement. Candidates for Associate Professor must possess the same qualifications as the Assistant Professor, but must also provide evidence of an established reputation in scholarly or professional achievement. Candidates for Professor must possess the same qualifications as the Associate Professor, but must also provide evidence of a substantial record of advanced research and of leadership in their field of specialization.
More details at: https://www.engr.psu.edu/academic-positions/details.aspx?Job_Req=REQ_0000061176