Welcome to the inaugural edition of our newsletter for the PGA Golf Management Program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln! In an attempt to publicize the program better, we have decided to create an on-line newsletter to connect with alumni, students, and our colleagues across the golf industry.
First to our alumni. The first students or "pioneers" of the program started back with Dr. Terry Riordan in 2004. To follow what Dr. Riordan is up to these days, I would encourage you to read his update later on in the newsletter.
After Dr. Riordan's retirement, the program saw Dr. Alan Baquet lead the program for the next six years until his retirement in the spring of 2015. Dr. Baquet has also provided an update on his happenings since he retired from the university. Both Drs. Riordan and Baquet seem to be playing quite a bit of golf these days. Well earned gentlemen and thank you for your dedication and commitment to UNL's PGA Golf Management Program.
Second, our current students are an interesting and diverse population from across the state, the region, and the world. This diversity provides a rich environment for our students and the staff associated with the program. We have highlighted many of our current students in our newsletter, so I encourage you to read up on their experiences and their successes.
Third, our future students continue to be the primary target for our recruitment efforts. We have the capacity to significantly grow our student numbers in the program and we need your help to increase student enrollment. If you need promotional materials from our office, let us know and we would be happy to mail out our recruitment brochures and handouts. Getting the word out about our program to all interested students is a high priority and our friends in the golf industry can play a critical role in attracting these students.
Fourth, individuals and groups involved in all aspects of the golf industry are encouraged to make a campus visit to see the changes happening in Keim Hall (our home building on East Campus). To see and read about some of our latest developments, please read the articles dedicated to showcasing our newly renovated facilities.
Finally, I am so fortunate to work with a group of individuals who make the experience for all involved in our academic program in PGA golf management so wonderful. These individuals are truly committed to making a positive difference in the lives of our students while on campus and have worked hard in creating outstanding PGA professionals who will be the leaders throughout their professional and personal lives. Thank you to Shaun, Pam, Brad, Scott, and Martin for making our team the best in the nation!
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/fgvn