All Subdomain Requests Now Reviewed by Shared Governance Board

Are you preparing to launch a new website or want to promote content on your existing site? You might have considered registering a new subdomain (e.g., to easily share this with the world.

You can apply for a subdomain by using the Subdomain Request Form.

In order to provide users with a consistent experience across there are some things to consider before submitting your request:

·Is the subdomain you are requesting specific to a unit or organization? Overly general subdomains are discouraged for unit/department-specific content.

·Can/Will the content live under an existing college/department/unit subdomain? A shortened URL may be a better way to promote content that can live under an existing subdomain.

·Is this subdomain event-specific? Short-term-use subdomains are discouraged. Use a GoURL instead.

·Does the subdomain meet guidelines set out in UNL's Domain Name Policy?

Submitted subdomain requests are reviewed by the WDN Governance board during their regularly scheduled meetings on the first and third Thursday of every month. Requestors will be notified of the board’s decision after the review is held.