At its January 4th meeting, the Web Developer Network Shared Governance Board voted on revised timelines for Archive pages lifespan once they are moved into the Next-Gen CMS.
Recognizing that there are still a large amount of sites and pages to transition off of the old CMS infrastructure, the WDN Board unanimously voted to change dates on both "freezing" and deletion of pages moved to the new system using the Archive page function (which will be fully demonstrated next month).
While developers should still plan on moving their sites into the Next-Gen CMS by September of 2024 (either by re-creating the site in layout builder, using the Archive feature, or a combination of both), the WDN Board voted that the new "Freeze" date on Archive pages (the date which they will no longer be able to be edited - originally set as September 2024) will now be June 30, 2025.
Additionally, the date that these Archive pages will be completely deleted (originally indeterminately set as late 2024 / early 2025) will now be January 5, 2026.
More details at: