Please Provide Site Contact Info

As we begin a new year, the WDN Shared Governance Board is preparing reports and communication that will aid us all in tracking our conversions to the Next-Gen UNL CMS, based on Drupal 10 and Layout Builder.

And we need your help. So far, entries for 267 of 830 (32 percent) of UNL CMS websites have an Owner, Primary Site Manager and optional Secondary Site Manager. Having these roles in place will prevent us from distributing reports and other site-specific communication to all those with the role of Admin and above for each site; there can be many users with these roles. please help us in streamlining this communication. If sites have not had these roles set by January, the site's list of admins will be used for transition communication; for some sites this is a large list of contacts.

To Update WebAudit Contacts:

  1. Go to your site members page at (replace "site-number" with your specific webaudit site number)
  2. Click “Edit Roles” under a member’s name
  3. Check the box to assign the “Owner,” “Primary Site Manager,” and “Secondary Site Manager” roles
  4. Click “Update Roles”

If you're listed on a website that no longer needs to be online, fill out the Website Decommission Form at:

A report in PDF format, "Sites Without Transition Contacts," is available for download at