Standing Tall, Empowering Movement: A support and discussion group for women in STEM fields

Standing Tall, Empowering Movement
Standing Tall, Empowering Movement

A support and discussion group for undergraduate and graduate women students in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math fields. The purpose of this group is to learn about the varied experiences of women in the field, make connections with one another, and provide a safe space for open conversations. Topics we would explore include challenges women face in the classroom or work space, strengths and skills women can utilize to succeed in the field, strategies to remain resilient, resources for career exploration, and others.

The group will meet every two weeks starting Wednesday, October 15th, 2014 from 5pm – 6pm at the Women’s Center (340 Nebraska Union).

Questions contact:
Sutha K Kanagasingam, M.A.
Graduate Assistant, Career Advising