New Officers? Time to re-register your RSO!

spring has sprung!
spring has sprung!

To be in TOTAL COMPLIANCE ALL RSOs MUST do the following:
1. Complete the Annual Review Form
2. The President, Treasurer and Primary Programmer MUST attend an Annual Orientation Session
3. Must send Account Balance Confirmation to SOFS (Reply to a SOFS email about your RSO’s finances)
4. Complete a Federal Tax Identification Number (FTIN) (RSOs with annual receipts over $5,000 must obtain a FTIN)

During a registration period, each RSO will send the newly elected President, Treasurer, and Primary Programmer to an Annual Orientation Training. These sessions will be offered a number of times within the Registration Period in order to meet the diverse needs of your student leaders. Note, you do not have to attend an Annual Orientation with the other required leaders in your RSO. You may choose the date/time that works best for you. All three members MUST attend one of the sessions for your RSO to maintain Total Compliance status.


Once you’ve completed steps 1-4 your RSO is in compliance for 1 calendar year until your next Annual Registration Period.

More details at: