Who is UNITE?
The Mission of the University of Nebraska Inter-Tribal Exchange (UNITE) is to help promote the academic prowess and the professional development of Native American students at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, to aid in their personal growth and social well-being, and to facilitate their participation in the UNL community life.
What is a powwow?
Powwows are the visual expressions of the Native American culture. It provides cultural enrichment for all that attend. The powwow originated from the Plains Indians, but over time has incorporated the majority of the Native peoples within the U.S. The value of the powwow cannot be judged solely on its collection of dances, each with its own history and significance, but rather for its role as a social gathering and cultural celebration. It brings people together bound by a common cultural thread of history.
Although, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has a limited population of Native American students on campus, we believe our powwow will serve as a medium by which the UNL and Lincoln community is able to interact with a culture that many have only read about in textbooks. This interaction is critical to the growth and ability to connect into the diverse world in which we are all members of.
More details at: https://www.facebook.com/nativeamericansatunl/?fref=ts