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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Alon Tal

Alon Tal

Alon Tal to speak on water scarcity at 2 lectures

A Ben Gurion University environmental scientist and activist will give two free public lectures today. One lecture will focus on managing Middle East water resources and the other on transboundary challenges and opportunities of environmental survival as part of the Middle East peace process.

Alon Tal will discuss "Technical Optimism as an Antidote to Water Scarcity (and) Desalination – Lessons Learned Thus Far" as part of the Nebraska Water Center's weekly Spring Water Seminar Series at 3:30 p.m. in the first-floor auditorium of Hardin Hall. At 7 p.m., Tal will discuss the different environmental accords between Israel and its neighbors and why the Oslo Accords did not produce environmental dividends, among other related issues as part of "Will the Environment Survive a Middle East Peace Process? Transboundary Challenges and Opportunities." This lecture will be at UNL's Nebraska Union auditorium. Read more about these lectures in Today@UNL.


Grad students to consider travel grant referendum

Graduate students will vote Feb. 22-23 on a referendum to create a "Graduate Student Travel Grant Fund." The proposal would be funded by a new student fee. The travel grants would be awarded to graduate students by a Graduate Student Travel Grant Committee.

The travel awards are designed to support students presenting papers, posters and creative work at conferences. The awards would not exceed $500 and 50 percent of the cost of attending a conference. The awards would also be available for travel expenses to complete research projects. Read more about this referendum in Today@UNL.



Ethics Brownbag: Academic Integrity Policies for the Information Age
Discussion led by J. Deogun & C. Riedesel


Spring 2012 Biotechnology / Life Sciences Seminar Series - "DNA damage checkpoint recovery and cancer"
Dr. Aimin Peng, University of Nebraska Medical Center



Lied Famfest show to celebrate fables, in high-tech

For many, the fables of Aesop and Hans Christian Andersen are time-honored traditions told again and again. Classic tales and state-of-the-art technology come together when "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Tortoise and the Hare" will be illuminated like never before on the main stage of the Lied Center for Performing Arts.

This performance is part of the Lied Center's FamFest starting at 5:30 p.m. before the 7 p.m. performance. Read more about this show in Today@UNL.



Hallen-Adams to present at nutrigenomics seminar

Heather Hallen-Adams

Heather Hallen-Adams

Heather Hallen-Adams will present "Fungi, Nutrition and Gut Health" at noon in the next Nebraska Gateway for Nutrigenomics Seminar Series, Nebraska East Union, Garden Room.

Hallen-Adams is an assistant professor in the departments of Food Science and Technology and Plant Pathology. Her research focuses on molecular genetic controls of toxin production in fungi. She studies cross-talk between a toxigenic fungus (Fusarium graminearum) and its plant host (wheat) during disease development, with a focus on how the plant initiates toxin production in the fungus, and how the toxin in turn acts as a virulence factor in the plant. Read more about this talk in Today@UNL.


Campus Rec

Celebrate National Rec Sports and Fitness Day at Campus Rec

Today, UNL Campus Recreation celebrates National Rec Sports and Fitness Day by opening their doors to invite all UNL faculty, staff, and students plus their spouse, partner, and family to exercise and play for no charge in the Campus Rec Center and East Campus Activities Building. Visitors need only to show their NCard to enter.

The daily hours for Feb. 22 are 5:45 a.m. to midnight at the Campus Rec Center and 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the EC Activities Building. Read more about this opportunity in Today@UNL.


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