4-H/FFA market sheep or market meat goat exhibitors planning to participate in the performance class based on rate of gain at the Lancaster County Super Fair must have their lambs and goats weighed on Tuesday, May 11, 6–7 p.m. at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds – Pavilion 1 (east side). All lambs and goats will utilize USDA Scrapie tags as their identification. No official 4-H/FFA tags will be utilized. Bring your scrapie tags and we can help tag as needed. Breeding ewes and does are welcome as well, if you need help putting in scrapie tags. The breeder must supply scrapie tags or 4-H’ers must order their own tags. If you need to order tags, call 866-USDA-TAG (873-2824). Exhibitors planning on exhibiting market sheep or goats at the Nebraska State Fair must have DNA hair samples collected. It is strongly encouraged to have DNA hair samples collected at the time of weigh-in. Current DHM’s will be followed during this event. For more information, call Calvin DeVries at 402-441-7180.
4-H - Lancaster County Fri. April 02, 2021
- _________________________________
- Horsemanship Level Testings, April 20
- Spring Fling Dressage Schooling Show, May 1
- Runza Night for Lancaster County 4-H, April 20
- Ag Youth Institute Deadline is April 15
- Special Garden and Agronomy Projects
- Donation Request for 4-H Silent Auction
- Volunteer Opportunity
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- 4-H Leader Update Training April 22: Preregister by April 15
- 4-H/FFA Sheep & Meat Goat Weigh-in, May 11
- Cooking Project Manuals
- 4-H Camp Scholarships for 4-H’ers
- Big Red Summer Academic Camps on UNL Campus
- 4-H Summer Camps at Nebraska National Forest
- NEW Youth Leadership Conference
- New Nebraska 4-H Volunteer Training Resources
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