All Clover Kids, youth ages 5–7 by Jan. 1, 2021, are invited to show & tell one of their 4-H exhibits or a small animal during Clover Kids Show & Tell on Sunday, Aug. 1 in the Lincoln Room, Clover Kids exhibit area (15-minute time slots run from 1–2:45 p.m.). Clubs may show a group project or perform a short skit or song. Youth may show & tell one small animal such as a dog, cat, rabbit, household pet or poultry — excluding larger livestock such as a bucket calf or goat. To sign up for a time slot, call 402-441-7180 between July 6 and July 23. If slots are still available, you may sign up on Tuesday, July 27, 4–8 p.m at the Clover Kids static exhibit check-in table in the Lincoln Room.