Nebraska 4-H has added two new categories to the State Public Speaking Contest which will be held at University of Nebraska–Lincoln East Campus Union on Friday, June 24. Any 4-H youth ages 10–18 may participate, unlike the Speech and PSA contests which required qualifying at a county contest. For both contests, the top 5 receive $50 and the top 2 senior contestants receive $200.
• Impromptu Speech: On the day of the contest, participants will have a topic randomly selected for them. Youth will have no more than 15 minutes to develop a speech on the selected topic. Participants will then deliver the speech to judges and audience members.
• Video Communication: Youth may use a phone, laptop, or tablet to create a multi-media piece around the theme: My 4-H Story. Videos to be submitted electronically as MP4 files by June 17.
More details are at https://4h.unl.edu/public-speaking. Lancaster County 4-H youth interested in participating should contact Kate Pulec at 402-441-7180 or kpulec3@unl.edu by June 1.