4-H youth ages 8 and up are invited to learn how to take great photos and prepare fair exhibits on Saturday, April 1, 2–4 p.m. at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. No cost — all supplies will be provided. Youth need to bring a phone or camera to take pictures during the workshop. Guest instructor will be Michelle Huber, former 4-H County Fair Photography Superintendent. Must register by Monday, March 27 by calling 402-441-7180 or emailing Kristin Geisert at kristin.geisert@unl.edu. Register early — space is limited.
4-H - Lancaster County Fri. Feb. 17, 2023
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- Achievement Celebration, Rescheduled to Next Thursday
- Lancaster County Commissioners Proclaimed Feb. 16 as 4-H Achievement Day!
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- FUN Dog Agility Show, March 18: Register by March 6
- Photography Workshop, April 1
- Virtual Companion Animal Challenge Entries Due April 1
- Governor’s Agricultural Excellence Awards Due April 1
- UNL Livestock Judging Camp; Register by May 22
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- Horse Judging School, Feb. 25
- Speech & Public Service Announcement Contests, Deadline March 1
- Nebraska Department of Agriculture Poster Contest, Deadline March 1
- Market Beef Weigh-In, March 7
- 4-H Rabbit Show, March 18
- 4-H Members and Leaders — Re-Enroll by April 1!
- First Horsemanship Level Testing April 4; Register by March 28
- Attend Kiwanis Karnival, April 14
- Dog Virtual Trivia Contest, May 10–17
- Visit University of Nebraska–Lincoln to Explore Your Future
- Nebraska 4-H Camp Series Registration Now Open
- Save the Date: Clover College June 20–23
- Horse Incentive Program Forms Online
- 4-H Club Gives Youth With Disabilities Opportunity to Show Lambs
- Pick-A-Pig Club Offers Youth Opportunity to Help Raise and Show Pigs, Deadline to Join March 15
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