Nebraska 4-H has lowered the age eligibility requirements for State Fair for all in-person events to 9 years of age (by January 1 of the current year). Events include livestock, rabbit and dog shows, as well as contests such as the Fashion Show and judging/identification contests.
Note: an exception is the Chicken BBQ Contest for 4-H'ers 14–18 (by January 1 of the current year), which will now be held at the State Fair instead of the Premier Animal Science Event (PASE) in June, as previously announced.
Entries for animal shows and contests will need to be entered through ShoWorks online by the 4-H family. The entry deadline will be Thursday, Aug. 10 at 8 p.m. central time. For more information and link to ShoWorks, go to
The age change does not affect static exhibits, which are selected by judges (note: in many cases, level 1 projects do not advance to the State Fair). Qualifying static exhibit entries are entered by 4-H staff.