The Lancaster County 4-H Plant Science Contests will be held in-person on Wednesday, June 14, 10 a.m.–Noon at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. Register by Monday, June 12 by calling 402-441-7180. Open to 4-H’ers ages 9–18 from all counties — need not be enrolled in a horticulture project.
Youth choose which contest(s) to participate in:
• Tree Identification — identify tree samples. See “Tree Identification Manual” (4H332) for a list of trees that will be used.
• Grass-Weed Identification — identify grass and weed samples.
• Horticulture Contest — identify samples of vegetables, fruits, nuts, herbs and landscape ornamentals. The plant list contains plants commonly used or sold in Nebraska.
Participants will be able to use a list of plants while identifying samples. This is a Lancaster County Super Fair contest held before the fair and premiums must be picked up Monday, Aug. 1, 7–11 a.m. at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds – Lincoln Room. Ribbons will be awarded at the Super Fair or mailed.