How do you prepare a cat for a 4-H Show? How do you successfully bathe a cat? How are cats judged? Learn all this and more at the upcoming 4-H Cat Workshop, held on Saturday, May 18, 9 a.m. at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. Open to all youth and their families.
This Cat Workshop will be the purrrrrfect opportunity to learn about bathing, grooming, judging criteria and showmanship of your cat in 4-H shows. There will also be cat trivia, a craft activity that can be exhibited at the Lancaster County Super Fair and information about the Wonder Cats 4-H club. Fee of $5 per participant to be paid upon arrival (cash or check made out to Lancaster County Extension). Bring your cat if you would like to practice showmanship and gain some showmanship tips.
If you do bring your cat, health requirements must be met. Any cat not meeting these health requirements will be asked to leave the building immediately.
• Cats shall be free of fleas, ticks, ear mites, worms, other parasites and infectious diseases.
• Cats are required to be current on their vaccinations of rabies, distemper, panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis and calicivirus. Cats must either have a current feline leukemia vaccination or proof of a negative test within 180 days of the workshop. Immunization records must be presented and will be checked at arrival. 4-H’ers vaccinating their own cats must provide proof either by including a statement from their vet or by including the vaccination labels. A rabies vaccination is federally mandated to be given by a certified veterinarian ONLY. This vaccination must be current and include a veterinarian signature.
• Claws shall be trimmed. No exceptions.
• No expectant or nursing mother cats.
• Cat must be at least 16 weeks old.
This workshop is presented by Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County. For more information, contact Elizabeth Thiltges at 402-441-7180 or elizabeth.thiltges@unl.edu.