The Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is now accepting applications for a summer learning opportunity for high school students. The Raikes School is hosting its eighth year of “Innovate: The Raikes School Way,” led by Executive Director of the Raikes School, Dr. Steve Cooper. The summer camp was highlighted by Forbes in 2019: "STEM-Focused Summer Programs for Ambitious High School Students." The camp will be held from Sunday, July 14- Saturday, July 27.
During the two-week, overnight camp students will:
—Learn basic programming skills and innovation concepts through a project-oriented curriculum
—Receive instruction from Raikes School faculty members and experience what classes can be like in the Raikes School
—Visit campus research labs and local employer partners
—Interact with Raikes School students and staff, all of whom play a key role in the competitive selection process to our program each year.
Key Details:
—Innovate: The Raikes School Way is a great opportunity for high school students, with priority given to students in the high school graduating class of 2025.
—No programming experience is necessary! (In fact, no experience is preferred)
—Students in the graduating class of 2026 will be accepted on a space-available basis
—The camp will be held at the Kauffman Academic Residential Center, home of the Raikes School, in the heart of Nebraska's City Campus from July 14-27, 2024.
—Cost to attend is $2,050 and covers all housing, meals, instruction, and activities associated with the camp.
—Full and partial scholarships are available — students can apply for scholarships through the Summer Camp application.
Priority Application Deadline: May 6, 2024. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis after May 6, as space is available. Priority will be given to students who expect to enter college in the Fall of 2025; the high school class of 2026 may also be accepted if space is available.
Please consider sharing this invitation with interested students, as well as teachers or community partners who may encourage students to apply.
Interested students can find more details and complete the application at https://raikes.unl.edu/summercamp.
If you have any questions about the camp, contact Theresa Luensmann at tluensmann2@unl.edu.
More details at: https://raikes.unl.edu/summercamp.