At the Lancaster County Super Fair, 4‑H static exhibits were selected for the Nebraska State Fair by the judges in their respective areas. A purple State Fair sticker was placed on all exhibits selected for State Fair, along with a lavender general information sheet. After Super Fair, exhibitors will be mailed a detailed State Fair instruction sheet.
Please contact the Extension office immediately if you do not plan to exhibit your project at the State Fair so an alternate exhibitor can be notified.
All 4-H static exhibits which qualified for the Nebraska State Fair need to be brought to the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln on either:
• Monday, Aug. 19, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. OR
• Tuesday, Aug. 20, from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Entries MUST be brought during these times. If you are unable to bring your items please arrange for a trusted family member, friend, or club leader to bring your item(s). Lancaster County 4‑H staff will personally transport all entries to Grand Island. Please appropriately pack your exhibits for transportation. Items with glass frames or made of glass should be wrapped in bubble wrap.
All exhibits must have proper labeling and information in order to be accepted as a State Fair entry. Please label EACH EXHIBIT and all supporting information with NAME and COUNTY.
44‑H staff will have State Fair entry tags prepared and ready for your exhibits. Staff will attach the tags to each exhibit.