State Fair 4‑H static exhibitor families will be able to order discount tickets directly from the Nebraska State Fair. Lancaster County 4‑H will email the link and password to 4‑H'ers whose static exhibits qualified for State Fair. Discount tickets will NOT be available through the county offices.
4‑H and FFA youth livestock exhibitors (beef, swine, sheep, goat, rabbit & poultry) will automatically receive an 11‑day fair admission wristband with their livestock entry with no additional step required during the entry process. 4-H dog exhibitors and exhibitors of other non-livestock items (4‑H contests, Fashion Show, Culinary Challenge and Robotics Showcase) will receive a daily gate pass with their entry. All livestock and in‑person contest exhibitors may order discounted tickets for family members when they enter in ShoWorks for State Fair.
The Nebraska State Fair has ticket options available to the general public at https://www.statefair.org/buy-tickets.
All advance ticket options are available now until Thursday, Aug. 22 at 11:59pm CT.