We would like to invite you to a unique opportunity on campus next week. Tuesday, October 25th, UNL will host four former U.S. Ambassadors for the 2022 Nebraska Ambassadors Forum. Our event is a partnership between UNL and UNO, Burlington Capital in Omaha, and the American Academy of Diplomacy in Washington D.C. The Forum is an annual program that brings distinguished diplomatic practitioners to speak with students and community leaders in Lincoln and Omaha. This year’s program was developed jointly by the Academy in cooperation with UNL, UNO and Burlington International, whose funding has made this program possible.
Our guests will be speaking on an interactive panel on the topic of Latin America: The Neighbor We Ignore at Our Peril. This event is open to the public but requires advance registration. The forum will be held inside the Willa Cather Dining Complex, Red Cloud Room from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. Willa Cather Dining Complex is located just north of Knoll Residence Hall, and just south of the Vine Street recreation fields.
Registration is required. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=rQHb_YNJbkOrNRrwQ7gYyUKebrXZ8hZLoiiKRhirr_ZUODBUMDhHN1dKWkNPQ09OV1ZNOEcyV0pMUyQlQCN0PWcu
More details at: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=rQHb_YNJbkOrNRrwQ7gYyUKebrXZ8hZLoiiKRhirr_ZUODBUMDhHN1dKWkNPQ09OV1ZNOEcyV0pMUyQlQCN0PWcu