The following items were discussed at the March ACB meeting – if you have any questions about what was discussed, please reach out to your unit’s representative.
1. Policy on Sanctions Related to Academic Integrity (Faculty Senate has approved some changes to the process related to sanctions and academic integrity violations) – Jake Johnson and Patrick Dussault
2. Admissions policy changes – Matt Ellis
3. Barriers discussion continued – Bill Watts
4. Wellbeing Coaching, overview and of current efforts and possible revisions moving forward – Connie Boehm
5. First year students and DUO – Jenni Brost
6. AAA Updates – Amanda Bergeron-Bauer
7. Announcements
a. Office of University Registrar(OUR)/Husker Hub recommends that all colleges/department officials who sign off on schedule adjustment forms – purchase a signature stamp to ensure the signature is valid and not forged.
More details at: