Get to know the new Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner on campus

Earlier this month, the University Health Center announced that it is expanding care for sexual assault survivors to include Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) services.

More information about this new service is available on the University Health Center website.

Take a moment to learn more about Bethany Berg, PA-C, who is our SANE provider on campus. She shares a little about herself and answers a few common questions about SANE services.

Tell us about yourself and what inspired you to enter the medical field.
I’m from Lewiston, Neb. When I was in fifth grade, I broke my arm, and I clearly remember the nice nurse in the emergency room wearing Looney Tunes scrubs being so kind and gentle. I knew I wanted to be able to comfort others and make medicine less scary.

I attended Wayne State College in Wayne, Neb. for my undergraduate where I received a bachelor’s degree in Life Sciences Biology, graduating Summa Cum Laude. I attended PA school at the University of Nebraska Medicine Center in Omaha, Neb. and graduated in December 2013.

How long have you worked for Nebraska Medicine, and what is your role at the University Health Center?
I have worked for Nebraska Medicine for over six years as a physician assistant. As a PA, I provide medical care to UNL students for acute and chronic needs.

Why did you decide to complete the SANE training, and why do you believe this service is important for campus?
I decided to complete the training because when I was seeing survivors, I felt I didn’t have enough answers to give patients. I wanted to become more knowledgeable about the laws, resources and options for survivors. My hope is to create a safe non-threatening environment for survivors, as I suspect many don’t feel comfortable seeking care or reporting events.

How do you partner with other campus units?
We work with Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and Center for Advocacy, Response and Education (CARE) to coordinate patient care. CARE provides confidential advocates to assist patients through the entire process, and their advocates accompany patients for SANE exams if the patient desires. CAPS is available for survivors to seek care post-assault to help with the healing process. We have worked closely with University Police in planning and coordinating our SANE program. UNLPD will be assisting with collection of SANE kits and coordination with local law enforcement.

If a student tells me they have been assaulted, how can I refer them to you for care?
The best way is for a patient to call our office at 402.472.5000 to schedule a visit. My hope is patients will feel empowered to be open with our staff as to the reason for the visit. This allows us time to get CARE advocates and resources in place when patients arrive.

What is the cost of SANE services?
The SANE examination and evidence collection are provided at no cost to UNL students. Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing, if indicated, would be covered as well. We have made it our goal to prevent cost concerns from prohibiting survivors receiving care.

What is the difference between the medical care you provide students following an assault and the optional evidence collection?
Medical care after a sexual assault could include any part of a head-to-toe exam, wound care, medicines, etc. with or without evidence collection. This can include prophylaxis for STIs, contraception options, etc. Patients can have evidence collected up to five days post-assault, but evidence collection is always optional.

When should students go to the health center for an exam vs. off campus?
Currently, we are only offering SANE exams at the health center during business hours. For the fall, those hours are:
• Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
• Saturday: 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
After hours or when appointments are not available, students would need to visit a local hospital to receive SANE care. The nearest emergency room to campus is Bryan West at 2300 S. 16th St.

What else should faculty and staff know about these services?
It’s important for everyone to know these services are confidential. We are here to care for students and help facilitate resources and further care they may need.

More details at: