CBA Choosing Your Major Workshop

CBA choosing your major workshop
CBA choosing your major workshop

UNL undergraduate students interested in or undecided about a CBA major/minor can learn more about the CBA major/minor options by attending the CBA Choosing Your Major Workshop. In the workshop, students will learn more about matching their values, interests and strengths to a CBA major/career, as well as about resources available to help them find the best major fit. Additionally, a panel of CBA upperclassmen peers will share their experiences in selecting their major/minor, about opportunities that have enhanced their degree program, and speak one-on-one with students who have questions. CBA Academic Advisors and CBA Career Coaches will also be available for questions.

The workshop is being held during two separate sessions, Wednesday, April 12 and Thursday, April 13, from 4:00-5:00 PM, in CBA 222. (Students only need to attend one day; the same workshop will be held twice). The event is free and open to any UNL undergraduate student.

The UNL Advising Community is encouraged to share this event with students they meet who may be interested.

If you have questions, please contact CBA Undergraduate Programs at (402) 472-2310 or Career Services at CBA at (402) 472-7272.

More details at: