![What can you do with your Communication Degree?](https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/files/file102896.png)
Communication Studies alumni pursue and succeed in a wide range of careers. Some common careers for our alumni include (but are not limited to): Human Resources, Training & Development, Marketing & Sales, Education Administration, Business & Finance, Leadership & Management, Social Services, Government, Non-Profit. In addition to these more commonly pursued careers, our alumni choose unique career paths that allow them to apply the skills they learn (advocate, negotiate, and relate across personal, professional, and public contexts) to the things they are passionate about. For example, see the story of one of our alumni, Caleb Bailey, Director of the East Cincinnati Orchestra, featured in our Alumni Perspective this week! This is just one of many examples of a Communication Studies student using his skills from his major to pursue and succeed in making a career out of his passion.
Our students can also strategically select their upper division courses to emphasize and prepare for careers that center on communication, health, and well-being, communication, public advocacy and civic engagement, and/or diversity, culture, and global communication. See Tim Turnquist, via MyPlan or at timothy.turnquist@unl.edu, for more information on what a Communication Studies degree can do for you!