BSE's student chapter of ASABE is hosting a food drive for the Food Bank of Lincoln. The drive will begin Monday, April 3rd and run through Friday, April 4th. Items can be placed in the blue bin located next to the student computing lab on the 1st floor of Chase Hall.
Some items donate include:
• Tuna or canned chicken
• Canned foods with pop-top lids (soup, stew, chili)
• Canned fruits in its own juice or water
• Low-sodium canned vegetables
• Peanut butter
• Macaroni & cheese and other boxed dinners
• Brown rice & long-grain white rice (not the instant/quick cooking variety)
• 100% fruit juices
• Olive or canola oil
• Spices
• Low-sugar whole grain cereals
• Healthy snacks (granola bars, nuts, dried fruit)
• Coffee
• Bath tissue
• Shampoo
• Toothpaste
• Soap
• Diapers and wipes
• Personal hygiene products
Note that the Food Bank cannot accept individual glass jars of baby food. We can accept cases of baby food in glass jars as long as the cases are commercially shrink wrapped. We can also accept boxes of baby cereal and plastic jars of juice for infants.