Driving versus Flying Guidelines:
If driving (personal or rental vehicle) on University Business is requested and/or has been approved as an alternative mode of travel, consider the following guidelines:
· Airfare: If the number of miles to be driven are greater than 1,000 miles one-way or 2,000 miles round trip, then an airfare quote is required for a one-way or round trip ticket. The quote should be attached to the expense report.
· Lodging: If the drive time to reach the destination takes multiple days then there is no reimbursement for lodging en route.
· Meals: Up to three meals for one day of travel en route will be reimbursed. This depends on which meals the traveler is eligible. Meal eligibility depends upon the departure/arrival times of the traveler.
Mileage Calculator:
When entering mileage you must attach the Mileage Calculator found in the lower right-hand side in the gray box. This goes for all mileage.
FCH Business Center Move to Ag Comm Building:
The FCH Business Center has moved into a new office in the Agriculture Communications Building (ACB) as of Monday, Sep 9th. This will be the first time the FCH Business Center team is under the same roof.
Until the construction for Jeanne Bonnett's, Accounting Associate, office is finished in the Ag Comm Building, Mindy Weis, Personnel Generalist, and Jeanne will be switching back and forth between 108A Ag Comm and their current office in Chase Hall 253. In the long term, there will be one office in Filley Hall and one office in Chase Hall to rotate staff in each office. Another announcement will be made when a detailed schedule is made.
Please note that phone numbers remain the same. Our room numbers in AgComm will be as follows:
Ly Tran 108B Ag Comm
Mindy Weis Mon & Tue 108A Ag Comm; Wed, Thu and Fri 253 Chase Hall
Jeanne Bonnett Mon & Tue 253 Chase Hall; Wed, Thu and Fri 108A Ag Comm
Kim Schaaf 108 Ag Comm
Holly Powell-Williams & Shannon Stava 6A Ag Comm
Nick Von Busch/David Vann 6B Ag Comm
If you have documents you would like to submit to the business center, please put them in the business center mailbox in Chase Hall (on the bottom shelf of the mail cart across from the East copier) or in the business center mailbox in Filley Hall (outside the door of FYH 205). For check or cash deposits, please bring them to the FCH Business Center office in 108 Ag Comm or give them to the business center staff working in Chase Hall that day.
Please feel free to go visit the FCH Business Center office in the new location. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as the FCH Business Center moves things around to ensure the best service to you.
If you have any questions, please contact the business center.