COVID-19 Vaccine Resource


COVID-19 Vaccine:

Helps protect you from getting COVID-19. Get a COVID-19 vaccine, wear a mask, stay at least 6 feet apart, avoid crowds, and wash your hands to protect against COVID-19.

The website features a section dedicated to items related to Getting Ready for Your Vaccine: Does it work? Is it safe? Are there side effects? What if I am pregnant or breastfeeding? When can I stop wearing a mask and be around others again? What you need to know.

There is also information on how to prepare yourself for your appointment and different vaccines, what to expect after the vaccination, and information for specific groups. The website also features a COVID-19 Data Tracker that displays the total number of doses distributed compared to the number administered. There is also a list of professional resources that are available as well.

If you have any questions related to the COVID-19 vaccine, this website would be a good starting point to find some of those answers: